Helping Seniors Live Healthier Lives

Three Warning Signs Of Epididymitis

Changes in the appearance and feel of your testicles can be a cause for concern, but it's important that you don't let your embarrassment of this type of issue get in the way of seeking the care you need. If you believe that something might be wrong in this part of your body, set up an appointment with a local urologist. One issue that some people experience is epididymitis, which is an inflammatory condition that affects the epididymis — a small tube situated behind your testicle. Here are some warning signs that you could potentially have epididymitis. 


The inflammation that you experience when you develop epididymitis will often result in noticeable swelling. The swelling can vary based on how serious your epididymitis is. Given that your epididymis is situated at the rear of the testicle, the swelling will typically be centralized in this region. It's always a good idea to occasionally touch this part of your body to ensure that nothing seems unusual. If you have epididymitis, you'll likely notice bulging in this area. Be sure to avoid touching the area too much, as this may cause sharp pain.

Pain While Urinating

Having epididymitis will often cause you to experience some level of pain when you urinate. The pain can vary. In some cases, you might be aware of a mild ache whenever you're using the toilet. Other cases may result in pain that is much sharper, which can often be a surprise when you experience it for the first time. There are a number of health conditions that can result in pain during urination, so it's always important to see a urologist. They may determine that you indeed do have epididymitis, but it's also possible that they diagnose you with something else.

Overall Discomfort

Pain during urination is common when you have epididymitis, but it's also common that you have a level of discomfort even when you're not using the bathroom. The swelling that is present when you have epididymitis often results in discomfort that can vary according to the level of swelling. Some cases can be fairly mild, while others can be a lot more overt — and may prompt you to seek care, even if you feel a little shy about what might be going on. If you have any of these symptoms of epididymitis, and especially if you have more than one, reach out to a urology clinic in your community.

Contact a local urologist to learn more.
