
Pros And Cons Of Different Dialysis Treatment Options

If you have been told you may need to start dialysis treatments, you probably have a lot of questions, and one question to consider is which type of dialysis treatment option you should choose. Make sure you understand your options before you implement a CKD program with your care provider. If you aren't sure which one is best for you, check out these three different types of treatment options and the pros and cons of each.

4 Considerations To Make To Help Decide If A Care Facility Is A Good Fit

If you're thinking about investing in a care facility for your loved one, you may have a lot of questions and concerns. These facilities can be a great resource if your loved one is starting to need more help with everyday needs, especially if family members are unable to provide care on their own. If you're wondering how to go about choosing a great facility, there are some considerations that you can make during the research process.

Some Things You Should Know About Going To The Eye Doctor

Going to the eye doctor is very important. There are too may people who put off going to the eye doctor because they think it isn't relevant to them. This is very dangerous for your eyes. Here are some things you should know about going to the eye doctor. I Don't Wear Glasses, Do I Need To See An Eye Doctor? Going to the eye doctor isn't just about getting a prescription for vision correction lenses.

Treatments That May Help The Pain From A Pulled Back Muscle

There are many causes of back pain, but one of the more common ones is a pulled muscle. You can strain your back muscle when lifting a heavy object, playing sports, or twisting your back. A muscle strain can even happen when you jog up stairs or roll over in bed. Fortunately, your muscle will heal, so the pain will be temporary and not turn into a chronic condition like many other causes of back pain.

Meals Leaving You Bloated? 3 Tips For Addressing Discomfort After Meals

Gas and bloating after meals is not an uncommon problem, but when it becomes a frequent occurrence you need to determine the underlying cause. Making simple changes to your diet can often alleviate minor gastrointestinal problems. Change How You Eat Eating two or three large meals can make gas and bloating worse. It might be easier on your digestive system to eat smaller meals more frequently. You should consider is the timing of your meals, some people find eating early or late in the day, especially near bedtime, causes problems.

5 Common Symptoms Of A Milk Allergy In Young Children

Milk, particularly cow's milk, is a very common allergen for young children. A milk allergy can present a number of symptoms, and it can take some time to determine exactly what is causing an allergic reaction. If your child experiences any of the following symptoms, make an appointment with an allergy specialist: Stomach Cramps One of the most common symptoms of a milk allergy in children is stomach cramps. However, stomach cramps associated with a milk allergy can develop hours or even days after consuming milk.

Two Types Of Radiation Treatments For Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer affects men in different ways. Some cancers develop so slowly that your doctor may recommend holding off on aggressive treatments. Other times, the cancer grows quickly and is at a higher risk of spreading. Then your doctor may recommend surgery, radiation treatments, or chemotherapy. Each person is different, so your doctor will take a personal approach when recommending the ideal prostate cancer treatment for you. One treatment that is common for prostate cancer is radiation therapy.

Could Botox Help Control Your Spastic Movements After A Stroke?

If you've recently suffered a mild stroke, you may still be working to regain lost ground and, perhaps, wondering whether you'll ever feel like your old self again. While physical therapy can help you build strength and coordination, it may not be enough to control the jerking or shaking movements you experience while trying to perform activities that require more fine motor skills than standing, walking, or reaching. In some cases, Botox may be able to help control these movements and accelerate your recovery.

What To Do If Your Child Has Been Bitten By A Dog At The Park

If you take your child to a park where people also bring their dogs, then you need to be prepared for the possibility that a dog bite situation might occur. Most dog owners are conscientious and will keep their dogs on a leash except when in caged dog park sections, but not all owners are as diligent about this. So, it is possible that a dog might end up biting your kid.

Available Treatments Can Help You Overcome Your Eating Disorders

Getting treatment for an eating disorder is of vital importance, and you should seek help if you (or someone you know) suffer from this disorder. It starts off with an obsessive pattern of thinking that you are either too overweight or underweight. The problem is fueled by real mental health illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Other issues like trauma and troubling family relationships in addition to sexual abuse may contribute to eating disorders.